Average Cost of Braces

The Average Cost Of Braces

Achieving a straight, beautiful smile often requires orthodontic treatment, and braces are a popular choice. However, one significant consideration for individuals and families in Renton, WA, is the cost of braces.  Our team at Lasley Orthodontics specializes in orthodontic treatment including braces and Invisalign. Every patient who receives braces begins with a complimentary consultation, where […]

Adult Braces in Renton WA

Exploring the Benefits of Lingual Braces in Renton WA

There are a great number of wonderful options when you want to straighten your teeth. Many people are familiar with technologies such as traditional braces, as well as Invisalign clear aligners in Renton, WA. However, there is one option that many patients don’t learn much about! Lingual braces are a great form of orthodontic treatment […]


How Can I Save On Braces?

Are you looking for more information regarding the question, “How can I save on braces?” If so, you have definitely come to the right place. At Lasley Orthodontics we can assure you that we do everything in our power to save you money on orthodontic treatment. We firmly believe that everyone should have access to […]


10 Tips for Braces Pain Relief

Braces are now more comfortable than ever. Receiving braces for the first and hopefully, only time however does feel different than what most patients are expecting. To alleviate any discomfort for first time orthodontic adventurers, Lasley Orthodontics has come up with a list of 10 tips for braces pain relief you can start implementing right […]


Why You Should Avoid Direct-To-Consumer Aligners

There are some things better left to professionals. When considering orthodontic treatment Lasley Orthodontics wants to remind you that safety should always be your number one concern. We strongly discourage the dangers of do it yourself (DIY), direct-to-consumer aligners and at home orthodontics. Like any fine art, orthodontic practice takes years to master. Qualified orthodontists […]


Foods To Eat With Braces

If you have braces, it’s important to avoid certain foods that can potentially cause damage or affect orthodontic treatment. As a leading orthodontist in Renton WA, Dr. Lasley is experienced in providing successful results in many patients, no matter their current condition or budget. What Foods Can I Eat With Braces? Braces may require some […]


Braces Near Me

Where Can I Find Braces Near Me? At Lasley Orthodontics, we specialize in orthodontic treatment including braces, clear braces, and Invisalign in Renton WA. As a leading Renton orthodontist, Dr. Lasley is a member of the American Association of Orthodontists and experienced in successfully treating common orthodontic issues. How Much Do Braces Cost In Renton? […]


Braces Cost

Where Can I Find The Best Braces Cost Near Me? Our goal at Lasley Orthodontics is to provide our patients with affordable orthodontic care such as the best braces cost in Renton WA. As a leading orthodontist in Renton WA, Dr. Lasley specializes in correcting common orthodontic issues including misalignment and overcrowding with braces and […]