Braces are now more comfortable than ever. Receiving braces for the first and hopefully, only time however does feel different than what most patients are expecting. To alleviate any discomfort for first time orthodontic adventurers, Lasley Orthodontics has come up with a list of 10 tips for braces pain relief you can start implementing right now.

1: A warm rinse can combat some of the pain associated with having new braces. Warmer water is able to soothe the gums and teeth. As teeth are being straightened, giving them the benefit of warmth or even salt water can go a long way in solving irritation caused by braces.

2: Dental hygiene can definitely play a role in the development of further discomfort caused by braces. By practicing the best health techniques, one is able to care for any knicks caused by braces hardware, and discomfort will be at a lower rate.

3: Eating foods that aren’t harsh on your hardware. You will want to be sure that you follow along with the guidelines for what is and isn’t acceptable to eat or drink with braces. Avoid foods that may displace or aggravate treatment with braces. Focus on eating fruits and veggies. Anything soft for a few days once treatment has been initiated.

4: Orthodontic wax is made of silicone and creates a more comfortable barrier between the soft parts of your mouth, and your metallic orthodontic equipment. By using orthodontic wax you are able to ease irritation within the mouth.

5: Orajel can be applied directly to the sore areas in the mouth. Proven to aid in the discomfort of the common toothache, this technique can also be applied to discomfort caused by braces and other hardware.

6: The all-important Advil. Advil can reduce the inflammation caused by irritation and can also dull the pain caused by adjusting teeth.

7: Much like heat can have a positive pain-relieving effect, so can ice! Applying an ice pack to sore regions of the mouth can provide a much-needed reduction of swelling in the mouth. Also, the ice can provide a rather numbing effect for the whole mouth.

8: Drink ice water. Almost like utilizing ice, in a more refreshing form.

9: Gum massage. Gently massage your gums with your fingertips in a circular motion. Being careful to avoid rubbing your inner mouth with the sides of your brackets and wires.

10: Patience. Patience is a virtue as they say. In the majority of cases, pain generally subsides on its own within a relatively quick timeframe. Simply getting used to the hardware is the objective for the initial week, or after getting your braces tightened. If you have any persistent pain that isn’t being addressed with the above 10 tips for braces pain relief. Perhaps the best thing to do is to make an appointment with Lasley Orthodontics. If you have any questions or concerns, there is never a better time to make an appointment than now!