Wearing a retainer is a necessary step to keeping your newly straightened teeth in alignment. But it also requires some special care and attention. In order to get the most out of your retainer and ensure that it is doing its job properly, you need to practice good retainer care habits.

What Does a Retainer Do?

Before we get into retainer care tips, it’s important to understand what a retainer does. A retainer is an orthodontic appliance that helps keep teeth from shifting out of alignment after having braces or other aligners removed.

When wearing a retainer, your mouth must be kept clean and free from bacteria in order for it to work properly. This is why retainer care is so important—without it, your retainer could end up doing more harm than good.

Why Do You Need to Take Care of Your Retainers?

Taking care of your retainer is essential for keeping it in good condition and making sure it does its job. Not only will retainer care help make sure that your retainer lasts longer, but it can also prevent bad breath, cavities, and gingivitis from developing due to bacteria buildup.

6 Retainer Care Tips You Need to Practice

#1 – Brush your retainers before putting them away using a soft-bristled retainer toothbrush.

After using your retainers for the intended hours, it’s important to brush them before putting the retainer away for storage. Gently scrub the retainer with a retainer toothbrush and warm water, this will help remove plaque.

It’s important to use a soft-bristled retainer toothbrush so as not to damage or scratch the retainer. Using mouthwash is also not a good idea as it contains chemicals that can damage retainer material.

#2 – Soak them in retainer cleaner every few days.

Regularly soaking your retainer in retainer cleaner will help remove any plaque and bacteria build-up. It’s recommended to soak retainers for about 15 minutes, then rinse them with warm water before putting them away.

#3 – For better retainer care, keep it away from heat.

Heat can cause retainer material to warp and become dysfunctional or uncomfortable to wear. Be sure to keep your retainer away from heat sources such as hot water, direct sunlight, or the stove.

#4 – Store your retainer in a retainer case when not in use.

Retainer Care

When storing retainers, it’s important to keep them away from dirt and dust particles as much as possible. Always store your retainer in a retainer case when you are not wearing them. This will help keep the retainer clean and safe from damage.

#5 – Watch what you eat and drink with your retainer in.

Certain foods, such as popcorn kernels or candy, can get stuck on retainer material and cause plaque buildup. It’s best to avoid sugary drinks or acidic foods like soda and citrus fruits when wearing your retainer.

#6 – Schedule regular visits with your orthodontist for better retainer care.

Make sure to schedule regular retainer check-ups with your orthodontist to help keep the retainer in good condition and make sure it is still doing its job properly. They will be able to determine if any adjustments need to be made and make sure your retainer is still properly fitting.

Oral Health Care Tips

Aside from taking care of your retainers, you also need to practice good oral health habits. Here are some of the best oral health care tips you can apply to take care of your oral health.

  • Brush and floss your teeth every day to keep your mouth bacteria-free.
  • Avoid sugary snacks and drinks when you can or brush them afterward.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste to keep your teeth clean and healthy.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Visit your dentist or orthodontist regularly for checkups.
  • Consider quitting smoking if you are a smoker.

Consult the Best Orthodontist for Primary Retainer Care & Treatment in Renton, WA

Retainer Care

While wearing braces is only for a definite amount of time, wearing retainers is a lifetime commitment. That’s why you should choose the best retainer care available. Teeth tend to move after treatment, so retainer care should be taken seriously.

At Lasley Orthodontics we provide quality retainers that you can trust long-term. While other retailers still get broken despite good retainer care habits, our practice delivers retainer options that are designed to last.

We also offer all types of braces in Renton and Invisalign treatments such as traditional metal braces, clear ceramic braces, self-ligating braces, and other retainer options. Every patient has unique orthodontic problems and concerns, so we take the time to get to know and understand each person’s goals so the treatment we provide may be tailored to fit the needs of each individual.

With extensive training in several methods of orthodontic treatment—including traditional braces, Invisalign clear aligner treatment, orthodontic treatment with jaw surgery, and several other treatment modalities — we have options available to treat most orthodontic needs.

Book a consultation with Dr. Andrew Lasley today and get high-quality retainers to maintain your beautiful smile or undergo braces treatment to correct any imperfections. We look forward to hearing from you!