Where Can I Find The Best Orthodontist In Burien WA?

Our team at Lasley Orthodontics specializes in providing patients with the best orthodontic care available. If you are ready for a healthier smile with braces or Invisalign, a leading orthodontist in Burien WA and our friendly staff are happy to help. Find out why you should schedule a free consultation at Lasley Orthodontics today!

What Does An Orthodontist Do?

Orthodontists are proficient in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of orthodontic problems. Their professional lives are dedicated to creating healthy, beautiful smiles for children, teens, and adults. Although straighter teeth are often desired for cosmetic purposes, they increase the functionality of biting, chewing, and speech. Orthodontic care is often part of a comprehensive oral health plan designed by an orthodontist in Burien WA.

How Does A Burien Orthodontist Provide Straighter Teeth?

Orthodontists use a variety of dental appliances to gradually shift teeth into their new positions. Because of advanced education and clinical experience, orthodontists have the knowledge and skills necessary to recommend the best kind of treatment for each patient. An orthodontist in Burien will provide straighter teeth using methods such as:


The combination of brackets, archwires, and elastics are applied to gently shift teeth into proper alignment. Braces are available with the option of metal or ceramic brackets, for a more discreet appearance.


The Invisalign system consists of clear aligner trays made of smooth and lightweight thermoplastic. Clear aligners are removable and virtually invisible, which makes them a popular option for many patients.

Invisalign Teen

Invisalign Teen works the same way as Invisalign for adults, except aligners feature a hidden indicator that makes an orthodontist aware if the clear aligners are being worn as prescribed to achieve the desired results.

What’s The Difference Between An Orthodontist And Dentist?

An orthodontist and dentist are very similar and they do work together as a team. However, they help improve oral health in different ways. Dentists are responsible for covering a wide range of oral health issues. Orthodontics is a special field within dentistry that focuses on specific issues such as tooth and jaw alignment. In order for patients to make the best decisions for treatment, it is important to be educated about the differences between an orthodontist and dentist. An orthodontist is a dental specialist who has been registered after completing training in facial growth and development, biology, and biomechanics. As a result, they specialize in diagnosing and treating crooked teeth and misaligned jaws for patients of all ages and conditions.

When Should I Visit An Orthodontist?

orthodontist burien wa

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that every child has an orthodontic consultation by the age of seven. However, more adults are now being treated to receive healthier smiles as well. In fact, many of our patients are over the age of 21.

How Can An Orthodontist Help?

An orthodontist helps with treating common issues such as misalignment, spacing between teeth, overcrowding, bad bites, and much more. However, braces and Invisalign offer more benefits than just straighter teeth. The orthodontic treatment provided by a Burien orthodontist such as Dr. Lasley provides benefits including:

  • Improved overall health
  • More youthful appearance
  • Better chewing/digestion
  • Boost of confidence

Finding An Orthodontist Burien WA

In conclusion, Dr. Lasley and our team at Lasley Orthodontics are experts in orthodontic treatment. We are here to answer any concerns or questions you may have regarding an orthodontist in Burien WA, Renton WA, West Seattle WA, Kent WA, Maple Valley WA, and Tukwila WA. Contact Lasley Orthodontics to schedule a free consultation today. Call now 425 496 7030 .