The Invisalign system has become known for the distinct advantages it offers throughout treatment. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign is lightweight and comfortable, all while remaining virtually invisible! Clear aligners are made of smooth thermoplastic known as SmartTrack material for optimum comfort. However, some patients may experience different levels of discomfort or soreness in their mouth when first wearing aligners. Here are some tips to make Invisalign treatment more comfortable:

Emery board

It is normal for Invisalign patients to wear a new set of aligners and experience some slight discomfort from the edges of their aligners. To resolve this problem, we recommend using an emery board, which is similar to a nail file. An emery board has a smooth side and coarse side to help smooth out edges for a more comfortable fit.

Orthodontic wax

Orthodontic wax is a clear silicone wax that is used for dental application. In addition to an emery board, orthodontic wax helps prevent and reduce irritation in your gums, tongue, or lips. Orthodontic wax is applied along the gum line where aligner edges are located. A small strip of wax is used to prevent Invisalign aligners from irritating gums.


how to make invisalign more comfortableCanker-X is an ointment used for the treatment canker sores and other sores in the mouth. This ointment contains benzocaine, which is a topical anesthetic that helps numb the area of application. In addition, this also acts a bandage that sticks to gums to provide hours of additional relief and comfort.


If a Renton orthodontist doesn’t prescribe any pain medication, over-the-counter pain relievers may be quite helpful in the first day of wearing new aligners. Before putting in a set of aligners for the first time, it may be beneficial to take an Advil and apply aligners at bedtime to prevent any initial discomfort. This adjustment time will provide a more comfortable fit by the time you wake up in the morning.

Biotene & XyliMelts

Invisalign may cause dry mouth in patients who do public speaking such as speeches, lectures, or business meetings. Biotene is a moisturizing spray that lubricates the inside of your mouth for additional comfort that last for hours. XyliMelts are lozenges that rest in between your cheek and gums to soothe and moisturize the mouth throughout the day or night.

Finding Out How To Make Invisalign Treatment More Comfortable In Renton WA

In conclusion, Dr. Lasley and our team at Lasley Orthodontics are experts in orthodontic care. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding Invisalign or Invisalign Teen in Renton WA, Burien WA, West Seattle WA, Kent WA, Maple Valley WA, and Tukwila WA. Contact Lasley Orthodontics to schedule a free consultation today. Call now 425 496 7030.