Congratulations on embarking on your journey to a stunning smile with Invisalign clear aligners! To ensure your treatment progress is optimal, it’s essential to maintain the cleanliness and bacteria-free state of your aligners. Are you wondering “how to clean my Invisalign clear aligners?”As your trusted Orthodontist in Renton, we’re here to provide a simple step-by-step process for effectively cleaning your Invisalign aligners. This will not only preserve their transparency but also contribute to a fresh and healthy smile during your treatment.

Avoid These Cleaning Practices

Avoid Hot Liquids

Also, hot liquids can warp the aligners. Therefore, it’s necessary to protect them by taking them out before drinking hot beverages. And it’s necessary to avoid using hot water to clean the SmartTrack material.

Keep Your Invisalign Discreet

Although delicate, it’s not difficult to keep your aligners clean. By doing so, you can avoid bad breath. Also, you can avoid discolored aligners and thus keep your treatment discreet. Having clear aligners means most people won’t know you’re working on your smile. With regular cleaning, you can continue to enjoy the discreet benefit.

Colored Soaps and Toothpaste:

Avoid using colored soaps and toothpaste on your Invisalign aligners. These products can leave behind residues that cause your aligners to appear cloudy over time. Opt for clear, unscented alternatives to maintain the transparency of your aligners and ensure their effectiveness throughout your treatment.

How to Clean my invisalign

Protect the Aligners in a Case

One of the biggest perks of Invisalign is the aligners easily come out. So, you can enjoy more of your favorite foods compared to braces. However, there are still some foods and drinks to limit or avoid if possible. For example, some drinks and foods can discolor aligners.

Therefore, always remove the aligners whenever eating or drinking unless it’s plain water. Keep in mind taking out your aligners means you need to protect and remember them. So, never put them on a napkin, or the aligners may be in the trash.

Instead, you’ll protect aligners in their protective case and keep it where you will remember. As an added benefit, the case will help prevent bacteria from growing on your aligners. If left unchecked, you may have bad breath while wearing your aligners, and who wants that? Yuck!

Keep a Soft Toothbrush Only for Your Aligners

Every night after your last snack, you’ll need to clean your aligners carefully. Doing the same thing every day, it becomes a routine habit.

All you need is a soft toothbrush, and we recommend buying one to use only for this purpose. Notably, a firm toothbrush can scuff up the aligners, so choose a soft bristle variety. Then, keep your Invisalign brush in a designated spot away from your regular toothbrushes.

What to Use When You Clean Invisalign

Notably, Invisalign sells an Invisalign cleaning system, crystals, and a sterilizing tray. It’s up to you if you want to invest in these. However, Clear liquid soap will get the job done. Be sure to pick a clear soap because some colorful products can stain aligners.

Products Made for Retainers

As another alternative to Invisalign cleaning products, you may use cleaning products made for delicate retainers. Notably, these are not the same as products used to clean dentures. Both denture cleaners and toothpaste are too abrasive on the thin aligners. Following Invisalign or braces, you’ll wear a retainer to make sure your smile stays perfect. Thus, you’ll already have the retainer cleaning products on hand.

Before treatment, we’ll go over everything to expect with Invisalign, including the cleaning products we recommend.

Steps to Clean Invisalign Clear Aligners

Here are the easy steps to clean Invisalign in Renton:

  • Rinse your aligners under the tap. (never use hot water)
  • Use your designated soft brush and clear soap to brush the aligners on all surfaces.
  • Rinse the aligners again until clean.
  • Put your aligners back in for the night.

Remember, you’ll wear the aligners as you sleep. Thus, they do their work while you are dreaming. After breakfast, rinse them off well before putting them in place for the day.

Invisalign RentonCleaning During the Day

Anytime your aligners feel less than clean, it’s a good idea to take them out and rinse them. Some extra cleaning is particularly important if your aligners come into contact with food or beverages.

If possible, carry a soft travel toothbrush and gently clean them with cool water.

Before you place the aligners in the protective case, it’s also a good idea to rinse them with water if possible. However, it may not always be practical when you’re on the go. No worries, just do your best and clean them when you get the next available opportunity.

We hope this information about how to clean my Invisalign clear aligners is helpful.

If you’re seeking expert orthodontic care, whether braces, Invisalign, or other treatments, Dr. Andrew Lasley and his dedicated team in Renton are here. With a passion for crafting flawless smiles using cutting-edge technologies, they’re committed to providing the best possible results. If you’re curious whether you’re an ideal candidate for Invisalign in Renton or braces, take advantage of their complimentary exam offer. Stay connected by following them on Instagram and Facebook for updates and news, and rest assured that they’re implementing additional safety measures to prioritize everyone’s well-being. Have questions? Feel free to reach out at 425-496-7030 or Book an appointment with us today!