Embarking on a journey with braces doesn’t mean bidding adieu to tasty treats. At Lasley Orthodontics, Dr. Andrew Lasley and our staff know that eating with braces can be tricky. You want to avoid damaging the bands, brackets, and wires since any damage can delay the progress of your treatment. After adjustments, your mouth may also feel sore, which will make eating more of a chore than a pleasure.

The good news is you do not have to avoid all of your favorite foods; there are ways you can still enjoy them. Wondering about “What Can You Eat With Braces?” Find out below as we guide you through suitable options to relish while ensuring your braces journey remains smooth and enjoyable. Try some of these ideas and recipes for great snacks that are friendly to your braces. Make your Braces Journey easy with Dr. Andrew Lasley.

Foods to Enjoy with Braces

Navigating the world of braces-friendly foods requires a little bit of creativity. It’s important to opt for softer options that won’t damage your braces or cause discomfort. Here’s a list of foods you can confidently enjoy while wearing braces:


Packed with calcium and protein, yogurt is a go-to snack. Choose plain or flavored yogurt that doesn’t contain chunks of fruit or granola, as these can get stuck in your braces.


Blend your favorite fruits with yogurt or milk for a refreshing snack. Smoothies are a fantastic way to incorporate vitamins and nutrients into your diet without risking damage to your braces.

Soft Fruits:

Bananas, berries, kiwis, and seedless grapes are gentle on your braces. Just make sure to slice them into bite-sized pieces to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on your brackets.


Indulge in slices of cheese or cheese cubes. Cheese is rich in calcium and won’t cause harm to your braces.

Hummus and Soft Vegetables:

Carrot sticks, cucumber slices, and bell pepper strips paired with hummus make for a crunchy, braces-friendly snack.

Delicious Braces-Friendly Snack Recipes:

1. Banana and Honey SmoothieBanana and Honey Smoothie

Smoothies are a healthy treat, and you can create these drinks with your favorite ingredients. You can use a variety of yogurt types for your smoothie: regular, low, or non-fat, and Greek are all great choices.  Here’s one of our favorite smoothie recipes:

  • 6 ounces of your choice of yogurt
  • 1 or 2 teaspoons of honey
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 6 ounces milk

Chop the banana into smaller pieces and put all your ingredients into a blender. Blend on low until everything is mixed, then blend on high for about 20 seconds to make your smoothie fluffy.

The great thing about this recipe is that you can substitute just about any small or cut-up fruit for the banana. Try blackberries, raspberries, or peaches for variety. Avoid fruits with small seeds; strawberries can leave bits stuck in your braces. You can even make a smoothie with peanut butter and jelly!

2. Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal


Unsweetened applesauce
Chopped soft apples

Prepare a comforting bowl of oatmeal using oats, applesauce, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Add in chopped soft apples for extra flavor and nutrition. This warm and soothing snack is perfect for those days when your mouth feels sore.

3. Creamy Yogurt ParfaitCreamy Yogurt Parfait


Plain or flavored yogurt
Soft fruits (berries, bananas, or peaches)
Granola (soft variety)

Layer yogurt, soft fruits, and granola in a glass to create a braces-friendly parfait. The combination of textures and flavors will delight your taste buds without causing harm to your braces.


Can I eat pizza with braces?

Absolutely! You can enjoy pizza with braces, but it’s recommended to cut it into smaller, bite-sized pieces to prevent any strain on your brackets and wires. Be cautious of crunchy toppings that could potentially get stuck in your braces.

Can I have chocolate with braces?

Yes, you can indulge in chocolate while wearing braces. Opt for softer varieties like milk chocolate, and remember to brush your teeth thoroughly afterward to avoid any lingering sugary residue.

Can I drink milk with braces?

Certainly! Milk is a braces-friendly beverage that provides essential nutrients for strong teeth. Just make sure to clean your braces properly after consuming dairy products to maintain your oral hygiene.

Can you eat fries with braces?

Indeed, you can enjoy fries with braces, but it’s recommended to cut them into smaller pieces to avoid putting excessive pressure on your braces. Be diligent in cleaning your teeth and braces afterward to prevent any food particles from getting stuck.

Remember, while you can enjoy a variety of foods with braces, it’s important to practice good oral hygiene, such as regular brushing and flossing, to ensure the best outcome for your orthodontic treatment.

”What Can You Eat With Braces?” We trust that our blog has effectively addressed your inquiry and provided you with the information you were seeking. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of maintaining excellent oral care and hygiene throughout your braces journey for the best results.

If you’re unsure about the foods suitable for braces around Renton and nearby areas, don’t hesitate to consult our team. At Lasley Orthodontics, we offer various options, including metal braces, lingual braces, Invisalign, and clear braces in Renton. Reach out to us for guidance on your braces journey. Book your appointment now!