If you’re about to embark on the journey of Braces in Renton WA, you may be wondering what to expect. Braces go through 5 distinct stages, each with its own challenges and triumphs. In this blog post, we’ll outline what each stage entails so that you know what to expect every step of the way!

5 Stages of Braces

#1 – Consultation

In the consultation stage, you’ll meet with your orthodontist to discuss your treatment options. This is the time to ask any questions you may have about the process, and to get a feel for what your individual journey will be like.

If braces are for you, your orthodontist will explain the next steps in the process. They’ll take x-rays and impressions of your teeth, which will be used to create a custom treatment plan.

#2 – Bonding

This stage is when the actual braces will be attached to your teeth. This process begins with cleaning your teeth, followed by the placement of brackets. First, the orthodontist will select the type of bracket that will be best for your individual case. Then, they’ll use a bonding agent to attach the brackets to your teeth.

After the brackets are in place, the orthodontist will then connect them with wires. This part of the process can be a bit uncomfortable, as you may feel some pressure on your teeth. However, the orthodontist will be able to adjust the wires as needed to ensure that you’re as comfortable as possible.

#3 – Regular Adjustments

Now that your braces are in place, you’ll need to visit the orthodontist on a regular basis for adjustments. These appointments will help to ensure that your treatment is on track and that your teeth are moving as they should be. You may feel some discomfort during these appointments, but it should be minor.

Your orthodontist will also be able to answer any questions you may have about caring for your braces. They’ll give you tips on what foods to avoid, how to brush and floss properly, and anything else you need to know to keep your braces in tip-top shape.

#4 – Removal

After you’ve worn your braces for the prescribed amount of time, it’ll be time for them to come off! This stage is usually one that patients are most excited about.

The removal process itself is fairly simple. Your orthodontist will remove the wires and brackets, and then give your teeth a good cleaning. You may feel some temporary discomfort and soreness after the removal, but this should go away relatively quickly.

#5 – Retainer

The final stage of braces is wearing a retainer. To keep your newly straightened teeth in position, you’ll need to wear a retainer as directed by your orthodontist. This may be for a few hours each day, or even overnight.

Wearing a retainer is an important part of the braces process, so it’s important to follow your orthodontist’s instructions carefully. With proper care, you’ll be able to keep your beautiful, straight smile for years to come!

Orthodontics and Braces in Renton, WA

5 stages of braces

Are you looking for an orthodontist in Renton, WA? If so, we invite you to come and see us at Lasley Orthodontics! We offer a wide range of orthodontic services, including different types of braces, retainers, Invisalign, and orthodontic surgery.

No matter what age, it’s not too late or too early to undergo orthodontic care to make sure your smile is the best it can be. Our mission at Lasley Orthodontics is to provide high-quality, individualized care to each and every one of our patients.

Dr. Andrew Lasley has gone through extensive training in several methods of orthodontic treatments so you can be confident you’re in good hands. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have!