Congratulations on finishing your braces treatment in Renton WA! In this quick read, we’ll explain what to expect in your new life after braces. As well as helpful tips on how to maintain your new and improved smile.

What to Expect on Your New Life After Braces

Having your braces removed is such a lovely feeling. That being said, here are some things to look forward to in your life after braces.


Getting your braces taken off is only just the beginning of the healing process. You’ll be transitioning into the retention phase afterward. Proper retainer wear is important in order to ensure that your teeth won’t shift and remain there for a beautiful smile.

Teeth or gum soreness

Soreness after the removal of your braces is a relatively common occurrence. Many patients feel it for a few days, especially on the day of the extraction. An orthodontist may use pressure in order to ensure all brackets and sealant are intact while they’re removed from your teeth. The soreness will subside after a couple of days or a week. So, it’s not something to worry about.

Brushing and flossing

You’ll notice how easier it is to brush and floss without all the metal and elastics. While it is more convenient to clean your teeth and gums, you still need to keep up your daily cleaning habits.


It’s possible to have calluses on the inside of your mouth due to the braces rubbing against them for quite some time. It’s easy not to feel them while wearing braces, but after they are removed, you’re likely to notice them more. But this isn’t a major cause for concern since they will go away over time.


It’s possible to have discoloration of your teeth where your braces used to be. This is completely normal because of how tricky cleaning around braces is. This will improve over time with good cleaning habits, especially now that you have your braces removed!

No more food restrictions

Now that your braces are off, you can eat whatever you want! You can bite into an apple without worrying about damaging your braces. Popcorn will no longer get stuck in each and every crevice in your braces. And you can even now chew your favorite bubblegum. 

Why Do I Have to Wear Retainers After My Braces Treatment?

Retainers are worn after braces treatment to help keep your teeth in their new position. When you wear braces, the brackets and wires apply pressure to your teeth, slowly moving them into the desired position. However, your teeth are still loose after the removal and can shift back to their original position if neglected. Retainers help to hold your teeth in place and prevent them from moving back to their original position.

Retainers can be removable or fixed. Removable retainers are typically worn for a longer period, often for several months or years, depending on the individual case. Fixed retainers are typically worn for a shorter period, usually a few months. Your orthodontist determines the duration of wearing a retainer. They will monitor your teeth and jaw and make recommendations based on your case.

Retainers are also used to maintain the changes in the jaw and bite. They prevent the teeth from shifting back to the previous position or drifting, which can cause malocclusion and bite problems again.

It’s essential to wear your retainer as instructed to ensure that your teeth don’t drift and that your treatment is successful. With proper care and maintenance, your new smile will last a lifetime.

Life after braces

How to Maintain Your Smile After Orthodontic Treatment

#1 – Brush and floss regularly.

Brushing your teeth twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and using fluoride toothpaste is essential to maintaining good oral health. In addition, it is important to floss regularly as this helps to remove plaque and food particles which can be challenging to reach with brushing alone. These simple measures daily will help you achieve improved oral hygiene and protect against dental decay.

#2 – Wear your retainer as instructed.

Once your braces have been taken off, your orthodontist will likely provide you with a retainer to wear. This device should be worn as directed by your orthodontist to maintain the new position of your teeth and stop them from shifting back into their original place. Wearing the retainer is essential for preserving the results achieved with braces.

#3 – Watch your diet

It is essential to be mindful of what you put in your mouth while wearing braces. Avoiding hard, sticky and sugary foods can help protect your braces from becoming damaged and prevent tooth decay

Foods like candy, gum, and other sweet treats should be avoided as they can loosen or break off the metal wires on your braces. Sugar-filled snacks can also lead to cavities due to the bacteria that feed off them. Eating a balanced diet of nutritious foods instead will not only keep your teeth healthy and benefit your overall well-being.

#4 – Visit your dentist and orthodontist regularly.

Regular dental check-ups and orthodontic appointments are essential to maintain a good level of oral health. Attending these regular visits will help to ensure that your teeth and gums remain in excellent condition. It also allows your orthodontist in Renton to track the progress of any treatment you may be undergoing. 

In addition, keeping up with your appointments is important because it ensures that any issues can be identified early on. This allows for a speedy resolution and prevents further problems from arising.

#5 – Be mindful of your habits.

Habits such as nail-biting, pencil or pen chewing, and teeth grinding can damage your braces. It can also ultimately delay the progress of your orthodontic treatment. Therefore, it is essential to try and break these bad habits as quickly as possible. Doing so avoids further damage that could slow down the time it takes to achieve your desired orthodontic results.

#6 – Maintain good oral hygiene

Good oral hygiene is essential to maintaining your beautiful smile after orthodontic treatment. Brush and floss your teeth regularly, use an antiseptic mouthwash, and consider using dental floss picks and interdental brushes to clean around your braces.

Life After Braces With Lasley Orthodontics

Are you searching for an orthodontist in Renton, WA? Lasley Orthodontics is here to assist you throughout your orthodontic treatment, and that includes life after braces. We’ll ensure that even after your braces treatment, you’ll be given the proper care and instructions to ensure that your results are still in effect. Request an appointment today!