Are you looking for affordable braces in West Seattle? Nearby in Renton, Lasley Orthodontics provides top-quality custom braces from an award-winning orthodontist.

Dr. Andrew Lasley and the friendly team are committed to helping you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile. We provide the latest technologies, modern, discreet braces, and Invisalign. At Lasley Orthodontics, we have options available to treat most orthodontic needs for people from age seven to adults.

With us, you get the individual attention you deserve. Dr. Lasley will get to know you and learn about your goals. Then, he’ll custom-fit an affordable treatment plan that’s perfect for you.

Affordable Braces in West Seattle to Fit Your Budget 

At Lasley Orthodontics, we strive to help everyone experience the lifetime of health benefits that come with treatment like braces.

To get started, you don’t need insurance. However, we accept most insurance plans if you have coverage. If you have coverage, our helpful staff is always ready to help maximize any benefits. Plus, we’ll assist with claims and paperwork.

Also, we offer affordable payment plans and convenient online services. Therefore, you can get started with the care you need and not worry about straining your finances. Before treatment, we’ll go over the cost and all available options. 


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Braces And Invisalign are Discreet, Affordable, Effective 

Today, braces and aligners are better than ever. Now, you can expect streamlined, discreet appearing modern braces. Plus, they are more comfortable and efficient than in the past. Thus, you can feel confident knowing you look your best while wearing braces or aligners.

From age seven to adults of all ages, braces remain one of the best options to correct malocclusions, smile misalignments. Generally, most people have an overbite, but braces can treat all kinds of smiles. For cases that need advanced correct, braces remain unsurpassed at getting incredible results efficiently.

Braces or Clear Aligners

Lasley Orthodontics is among the top Invisalign providers in the world as VIP Diamond Providers. Why does this matter? It’s an easy way to know that Dr. Lasley has treated many hundreds of people each year successfully with Invisalign.

Since we have advanced experience, we can treat more cases with clear aligners. However, for many cases, braces may be a preferable, efficient choice. Today, it’s very easy to find out if you’re a candidate for braces or Invisalign at Lasley Orthodontics. 

Find out if you’re a candidate for Invisalign or bracers in West Seattle, WA, by scheduling a free consultation today! 

Just click here to get started with one of the top Invisalign and braces experts in the Renton, West Seattle, and greater Seattle area.

Would you like a virtual consultation from home to start? If so, let us know, and we’ll be happy to help.

Have any questions? Please, call us anytime at 425 496 7030.

Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates and news.


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